How to Add Professional Development Opportunities into Your Company


Many companies are investing more in training their employees. That was the message from a recent survey of more than 2,200 CFOs in companies located in the 20 largest metropolitan areas. The survey was conducted by an independent research firm. Nearly one-third of all the companies surveyed reported spending more on training and professional development… Read more »

How to Write Better Job Descriptions


If you want to attract top-flight people to your company, you naturally want to give them a good impression of your business. All too often, though, companies fail to do this because they do not put enough effort into their job descriptions, which are usually the first point of contact people have with businesses. Often… Read more »

Generational Differences in the Workplace


When talking about different generations in the workforce, it is generally assumed that an older worker would not feel comfortable having a younger worker as a supervisor, and, conversely, that a younger worker might feel uncomfortable supervising an older person. But the results of a recent survey of professionals appear to contradict the conventional wisdom… Read more »

Why Companies Hire the Wrong People and What to Do About It


Most bad hires occur because the person does not have the right skills needed to do the job, according to a recent survey of more than 2,000 business leaders. About 40 percent of the company leaders polled said a mismatch in skills was the primary reason for a bad hire. Thirty percent said that new… Read more »

Developing A Workforce for Tomorrow


It’s no secret that technology is driving change in the business world. Big data, artificial intelligence, robotics, machine learning – all are having or will have a big impact. In the future, technology will probably change the very nature of work. The kinds of skills needed in the future will most likely be very different… Read more »

How to Put Your Company Website to Work for You


Businesses today realize the importance of their websites. These online platforms represent a major investment for companies. Websites are used by many different groups – customers, suppliers, job seekers, employees, and the general public. But, as people usually do, they form judgments quickly when they open a web page. If it does not grab their… Read more »

How to Improve Job Postings and Make Great Hires


You want to hire the best people, naturally. And you do that by having a good place to work, by offering a good salary and benefits, by developing a good reputation. But all of this may not matter much if your job advertisements are not as compelling as they could be. The best people can… Read more »

Summer Temporary Staffing Tips


It’s summer! That may mean more people than usual will be going on vacation in the next few months. Summer can also mean that many employees take long weekends as well. How do you make sure that work still gets done well and at an optimal pace? Plan proactively for temporary staffing in the summer. Don’t… Read more »

How to Write a Letter of Recommendation


You have been asked to write a letter of recommendation for someone you know, maybe someone who is an employee, or a colleague, or an acquaintance. Whatever the case, you are now confronted with putting together something cogent and compelling about the person on paper. Now, you could write the letter yourself, which would require… Read more »