When you need to fill a personnel gap quickly, you may need to rely upon the services of a staffing firm such as Winston Resources to help you find a temporary professional to help you during a crunch time. Although the professional we’ll find you is temporary, we’ve found that our most successful clients don’t… Read more »
Posts Tagged: NYC Staffing Agencies
Amount of Vacation Taken Depends on Employee Level
Just where an employee stands in a company’s pecking order could well determine when and how that worker spends his or her vacation time. Throw technological advances in communications into the mix and many of today’s vacationing executives can be instantly contacted regardless of where they are. Studies show that there is a definite difference… Read more »
Today’s Vision of Retirement
The figures are eye opening. One study shows that close to two-thirds of current workers plan to remain on the job at least one year beyond their expected retirement date. This is an increase of nearly 10 percent from the previous year. And there is more. More than 25 percent of workers today believe they… Read more »
The Affect of Disrespectful Management on Employee Productivity
Recent research by business experts has revealed that relationships between employees and employers has been steadily deteriorating. The study included almost 200 employees in different areas and looked at the effects that abusive bosses have on their workers. The researchers compared responses among two groups – those who reported abuse from their bosses on a… Read more »
Wince-Free Networking
Networking has gotten a bad reputation in some circles because too many people think networking is about only getting a job. Which makes one feel a bit squeamish about the whole thing: “If I’m out of work, I feel like I’m more ‘begging’ than ‘networking.’ But networking, when done well, really is about establishing relationships…. Read more »
Telecommuting Helps Relieve Job Stress
People who work primarily at home report having more satisfaction with their job than those who work mostly at the office, according to a study from the University of Wisconsin. The major advantage of working at home (which, according to the study, is telecommuting at least three days a week), is that there is less… Read more »
Managers Failing to Follow Up on Employee Performance Reviews
A survey conducted earlier this year found that employees feel they don’t receive enough communication on an ongoing basis regarding their job performance. A small pool of people– about 100 workers — were surveyed and only about 45 percent of them felt that their managers consistently told them how well — or not — they… Read more »
Failure as a Learning Opportunity
Companies should look at the times they fail as opportunities for learning important lessons — and could come back more successful as a result. So says research from the University of Colorado Denver School of Business. The research found that lessons learned from success weren’t as helpful as the knowledge learned from failure. Company management… Read more »
The Importance of Getting — and Heeding — Employee Feedback
If you’re not making the effort to listen to your employees via formal employee feedback systems, it’s time you started. A recent study reports that half of those companies contacted for the survey said they did not use employee surveys. More importantly — and sadly, actually — of those companies that did survey their workers,… Read more »
Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction
Some recent university research has shown that people who have more of what is called emotional intelligence tend to be better workers, more loyal to their jobs and also to be more fulfilled with the work they do. The research, where almost 1,000 employees in both public and private sectors were surveyed, examined the affects… Read more »