The Benefits – Or Not – of Coaching Certification


Coaching plays an important role in business, helping employees gain new insight and skills in their jobs. Some organizations handle the training of coaches internally, while other human resource departments encourage their coaches and managers to get certified in coaching. What are the benefits of coaching certification? Is it necessary? In order to answer that… Read more »

Was it a Compliment or a Jab? How New Technologies Can Muddle Messages


In business, the situation with technology sometimes resembles a person stranded on a deserted island, surrounded by water, but none to drink. We have more ways to communicate than ever before, according to Stephen Paskoff, a human resources specialist, but despite that, all the advances in communication technology have done little to help us understand… Read more »

Praise or Criticism: Which is Better for Changing Employee Performance?


When managers give performance reviews, they sometimes praise, but they usually offer criticism, looking more often at the things that employees did wrong, or where they fell short. That is only natural – it’s something we all do.  And many believe that criticism leads to better performance than praise.  After a critical review, an employee’s… Read more »

Helping Your Employees Reach Their Potential


How can you as a leader help your employees realize their capabilities? Here are a few ideas from one business analyst. 1) Perhaps one of the most important things to do is listen.  Listen to your employees’ ideas, and to their career goals and aspirations.  You may not have the same opinion that they do… Read more »

Ethical Business Practices: Is Your Company One of the “Good Guys”?


Enron. Worldcom. The Wall Street meltdown. These are all some of the more noteworthy examples of corporate skullduggery, a lack of regard of and concern for ethical behavior. But some business experts see these examples as the exception more than the rule.  There are thousands of companies with millions of employees who do the right… Read more »

Tips for Managing Your To-Do List


“Hit the ground running” often sums up a typical day on the job in which we are seemingly tugged and pulled throughout the day, handling the many tasks that come our way.  You know the routine. As soon as you cross one job off the list, another two pop up in its place. So how… Read more »

Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction


Some recent university research has shown that people who have more of what is called emotional intelligence tend to be better workers, more loyal to their jobs and also to be more fulfilled with the work they do. The research, where almost 1,000 employees in both public and private sectors were surveyed, examined the affects… Read more »

Dealing with Difficult Co-Workers


Ah, the Drama Queen. The Backstabber. The Suck Up. The Prima Donna: All well-known “difficult” co-workers. Every company has them. No matter how big or how small is the firm at which you work, you’re going to have to deal with these folks at some point in your career, either as colleagues, subordinates  — or… Read more »

Spotting Rising Stars in Your Company


Today, hiring and keeping talented and high performing people in your company is an economic imperative. It starts at the top with the company leadership.  Your rising stars want to know that the leadership has a direction they want to take the organization, and clear cut goals they want to reach.  The plan does not… Read more »

How to Keep Your Younger Top Performers From Leaving


If your top young talent doesn’t stay with  your company for more than a few years and you’d like to keep the brains, creativity, work ethic and chutzpah these young top guns have brought to your business, here are some tips to help you do so. Watch your rules. Too many corporations have too many… Read more »