Credit and Background Checks Disappearing


A recent report by the Society of Human Resource Management shows that companies are not doing the same number of credit and background checks today as they were two years ago. The Society polled almost 550 human resource professionals selected at random from among the membership. More than half of the companies reported that they… Read more »

How Effective are Background Checks Really?


When going through the hiring process for new employees, companies typically do background checks on the candidates in an effort to find any problems that might make them unfit for the job. But how effective are background checks really at finding out information and enabling employers to spot people whom they should not hire? There… Read more »

Spotting Rising Stars in Your Company


Today, hiring and keeping talented and high performing people in your company is an economic imperative. It starts at the top with the company leadership.  Your rising stars want to know that the leadership has a direction they want to take the organization, and clear cut goals they want to reach.  The plan does not… Read more »

How to Kill Productivity Killers


If you want your business to grow, you want to get the most from your employees because it’s their productivity that will lead to growth. What stands in the way of generating greater productivity, and what can you do about it? Employee productivity can be tied to one thing – motivation.  What motivates your employees… Read more »

Assessment Tools for Making Better Hires


Having the right tools at your disposal can make hiring a lot easier—and a lot more successful.  Here is a quick overview of different assessments tools you can use, beyond the basic job interview: Qualifications Screens – simple questionnaires determine if an applicant has the minimum requirements to perform a job (availability, minimum age, years… Read more »