Innovations in Retention


Companies are always concerned about keeping their talent. As the economy continues to inch along, surveys show that many employees are restless – more than two-thirds want to move on. In this atmosphere you may be wondering if there are any innovative ways of keeping your talent, especially on a tight budget. It’s good to… Read more »

Sustainability and Human Resources


When people hear the word sustainability, the first thought that springs to mind is about the environment – doing something in a way that is environmentally friendly, something that allows the environment to stay healthy and thriving, or sustainable. The most widely used definition of sustainability is one developed at a United Nations conference on… Read more »

Employee Engagement Falling


Employee engagement. It’s a phrase that means having workers who like that they do, like where they work – and with whom they work —  and who are committed, high-performing employees. But a recent survey by the consulting firm of BlessingWhite Inc. shows that most companies are not doing well at all in motivating their… Read more »

Compensation and Morale


As the economy continues to struggle worldwide, it is having an effect on how companies are looking at expenses. As they try to rein in costs, businesses are being stingy with compensation and benefits, especially given the fact that the unemployment rate is high. Pay is not going up, but healthcare premiums are. More companies… Read more »

A Company’s Process Improvement Efforts and Human Resources


A representative from human resources needs to be on any performance improvement team that is worth the name, according to business analyst Brad Power. In addition to people who know how things work, and people who know how to make them work better, Power says that there also should be on the team people who… Read more »

Creating a Corporate Culture and Making it Work


Corporate culture.  It’s the kind of thing that companies too often only talk about but do little in the way of action.  Establishing a culture and keeping it running are too often not taken very seriously. One of the reasons culture may get short shrift is because of its nebulous kind of nature.  Trying to… Read more »

The Importance of Setting Small Goals When Working Toward Large Goals


When you are facing a really big, complex challenge, it may look impossible to achieve. But before becoming too discouraged, the best course to take may be to break the project down into a series of small tasks, to make it more manageable. Each task then has a specific, achievable goal. By doing this, you… Read more »

Bringing on Temporary Staff — Orientation and Training Best Practices


When you need to fill a personnel gap quickly, you may need to rely upon the services of a staffing firm such as Winston Resources to help you find a temporary professional to help you during a crunch time. Although the professional we’ll find you is temporary, we’ve found that our most successful clients don’t… Read more »

Writing Effective Recruitment Ads


Write a poor recruitment ad and you’ll get weak applicants. You’ll also probably receive too many applicants, leading to you or your human resources staff spending far too much time culling resumes and even possibly conducting first interviews with people who aren’t a good fit — or even qualified — for the job. What’s more,… Read more »

The Value of High-Level Contract Staff


When you think of temporary employees, don’t forget about high-level professionals such as accountants, human resources directors, managers, computer network administrators, engineers, even doctors. Winston Resources can provide companies with these types of professionals, and more. More and more companies are finding that bringing on high-level professionals, even executives, to their sites for short- or… Read more »