
When you think of temporary employees, don’t forget about high-level professionals such as accountants, human resources directors, managers, computer network administrators, engineers, even doctors.

Winston Resources can provide companies with these types of professionals, and more.

More and more companies are finding that bringing on high-level professionals, even executives, to their sites for short- or long-term temporary assignments is a great way to save money during crunch times.

For example, if your chief executive officer needs to take some emergency medical leave lasting several months, who will helm your company while she’s gone? Contact Winston Resources; we can fill your CEO’s vacant office with an interim seasoned executive.

What if you’re restructuring and need a temporary operations manager to get you over the hump? What if your hospital has a sudden influx of patients and you’re short a physician, or two (or more)?

Winston Resources can provide you with temporary executives and other high-level executives for short time periods to help keep your business running smoothly.

Yes, the hourly rate for such a high-level individual will be much more than it will be for, for example, an administrative assistant. But the benefits to bringing on an interim executive, admininstrator, manager, director, etc. are many. Our interim managers can:

  • Help your company expand quickly.
  • Guide you through a transition or reorganization.
  • Steer you through a product launch.
  • Provide company leadership and thereby prevent costly mistakes.
  • Give you much needed time to find the perfect new CEO, for example, should your current CEO resign.

Winston Resources finds and qualifies seasoned managers, executives, directors, etc. who can immediately step in and lead your team. Our high-level contract workers are proven performers who have held several professional and/or leadership positions. We seek those who can step in and get up to speed quickly. Our employees work to achieve the results you seek.

As you well know, business moves and changes at warp speed today. Leaving a high-level spot open for too long can be quite costly to your business’ bottom line, as well as its future profits. Instead, call Winston Resources. We’ll provide you with temporary high-level talent who will help improve the profit and effectiveness of your New York City company from the get-go!

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