Whether working at a job or looking for one, we constantly have to face the stress and anxiety of life. Each day we confront challenges, or foresee challenges, that raise our level of anxiety. In fact, almost 20 percent of Americans are diagnosed with anxiety disorders each year. What this means is that there are… Read more »
Posts Tagged: temp-to-hire assignments
Best Practices for Orientating Temporary Staff
When you need to bring temporary workers on board at your company, here are some tips to help you get the most out of them while they are on assignment with you. 1) Before you ever bring a temporary staffer to your department, make sure all the people who will be working with the individual… Read more »
Amount of Vacation Taken Depends on Employee Level
Just where an employee stands in a company’s pecking order could well determine when and how that worker spends his or her vacation time. Throw technological advances in communications into the mix and many of today’s vacationing executives can be instantly contacted regardless of where they are. Studies show that there is a definite difference… Read more »
Temp-to-Hire: When and Why it Makes Sense for Employers
Do you marry someone the first day you meet him or her? Do you not take a car out for a test drive before purchasing it? Do you try on clothes before buying? That’s the same premise — the “test drive” — of Winston Resources’ “temp-to-hire” service. A temp-to-hire assignment is when you tell us… Read more »
The Benefits of Temp-to-Hire Staffing for Employers
Has this ever happened to you: You interview someone who just shines. She has the exact skills and experience you seek. Her delightful personality happily infects her future colleagues as they interview her as part of the selection process. Her references gush. Her former employer tells you to tell her he wants her back! So… Read more »
What is Temp-to-Hire and Why You Should Consider It
If your Winston Resources staffing consultant contacts you about a temp-to-hire position, this is good news. It means if you take the assignment and do well in it, the employer may decide to hire you onto its own payroll. A temp-to-hire assignment is really the best of both worlds. You can “try out” a company… Read more »