Boomerang Workers as a Source of Talent


If your company is struggling to find the people you need, there is one source of talent often overlooked where you may find qualified people — boomerang employees. These are people who worked at a company, left the company and worked for another employer, and then at some point returned to their original company. How… Read more »

How to Improve Coaching of Workers


Coaching is a way of teaching and learning that is being used much more often in the workplace today. The reason for this is the unique benefits that coaching can offer– it helps to improve the learning process because people can help direct their own learning through questioning, listening, and taking on challenges in a… Read more »

How to Delegate Effectively


Being able to delegate assignments is an important skill that managers should have. Some managers may be reluctant to delegate, thinking that it may hinder productivity. But not delegating may reduce productivity even more because the manager will then have too much on his plate to handle effectively, and important work may end up falling… Read more »

How To Stay Motivated While Working Remotely


If you’re like many people, you’ve been working at home for quite some time. You may be enjoying the time away from the office or looking forward to returning to the workplace. Whatever the case, you may find that you’re getting into a well-worn routine. It may be getting a little tiresome, and you’re ready… Read more »

How Leaders Sometimes Undermine Worker Motivation


If you are a leader, an important part of your job is motivating people, getting them to reach their potential and perform at their best. The problem is that many managers are not aware of how motivation works and how best to instill it in their workers. Here are a few ways that managers may,… Read more »

Evaluating Your Onboarding


Onboarding is an important piece of the hiring process. If done well, it enables new employees to hit the ground running, to be successful in their jobs and to make significant contributions. However, if it is flawed, new employees may be set adrift, feeling isolated and uncertain — a recipe for high turnover. To make… Read more »

How Not to Network


Networking is a great way to find a job. In fact, according to some research, most job candidates find new jobs through networking. But in order to get the most out of it, you have to avoid certain pitfalls. There is a right way and a wrong way to network. Here are a few of… Read more »

Three Important Questions for Job Candidates


Often hiring managers are not aware of the best questions to ask during job interviews to determine if a candidate is a good fit for the job. To help ensure the right person is hired, candidates need to be asked behavioral questions in a panel format to ensure that they are not simply delivering canned… Read more »

How to Deal with Distractions


Interruptions and distractions are troubles that all workers face at one time or another. They may seem like minor annoyances, but they can have a serious impact on the work we do. For example, one of the biggest distractions for people today is various forms of social media. According to research, the time people spend… Read more »

Relaxation Exercises for Work Stress


Stress is a constant companion for many people at work. It can have a significant effect on our health and productivity, so it is important to learn how to control it. The symptoms of stress can vary a great deal, but some of the more common ones include things lik indecisiveness, headaches, fatigue, irritability, problem… Read more »