How Not to Brand


To hire the best people they can, companies, like individuals, seek to develop a distinctive brand, one that will attract attention and talent. In developing a brand, you want to show what is unique and compelling about your organization. With the pervasiveness of social media, companies are using this platform create and disseminate their brand…. Read more »

Time for a New Career?


Tired of the job you have now? Not getting any satisfaction or fulfillment from your work ? Thinking about making a change? Some people see a career change as just the thing they need to get them engaged and excited about their work.  You hear stories about people who have made the transition from one… Read more »

Bringing a new Employee Onboard


Job orientation, what is referred to as onboarding, is an important process and should not be taken lightly. It could, in fact, play a significant role in the success of a new employee at a company. Bringing new people onboard should be done with care and planning. What you should avoid is a very long… Read more »

Stress — It’s Not What You Think


Stress is something we all have to deal with, whether looking for a job or at work. We have to deal with deadlines, workload, coworkers and bosses. But recent research has revealed something interesting about the nature of stress. It turns out that the impact of stress, whether bad or good, may depend to a… Read more »

Why Unemployment Is Still High


While the economy appears to be recovering, and the stock market has hit new highs, there is still one area of the economy that has not improved much since the recession, and that is unemployment. The number of unemployed still remains stubbornly high. It is a marked difference from other recoveries, when economic recovery also… Read more »

The Dark Side of Social Media


Many companies are jumping on the social media bandwagon because they see the advantages it has. But social media is a two-edged sword – it can be used to enhance a company’s reputation, but it can also be used to damage a reputation as well. One example of the second case occurred recently when an… Read more »

Resume Fraud


It is common knowledge that people tend to exaggerate a little on their resumes. However, hiring managers are reporting that there has been a significant jump in the number of people who are making outright false statements. It is becoming a growing concern among companies. Job candidates tell outright falsehoods, or they will leave out… Read more »

Using a Video Resume


The job recruiting process is changing rapidly, influenced by social media. And technology is having an impact in another area as well with video resumes.   Many employers seem to be receptive to the idea. Almost 90 percent of them said they would watch a video resume. They like the idea because it allows them… Read more »

Job Hunting After a Long Layoff


If you have been out of work for a while, you are well aware of how difficult it is to find a job. And the longer you have been unemployed, the more difficult it is. Employers have embraced the attitude – however misguided it may be – that something must be wrong with a person… Read more »