To hire the best people they can, companies, like individuals, seek to develop a distinctive brand, one that will attract attention and talent. In developing a brand, you want to show what is unique and compelling about your organization. With the pervasiveness of social media, companies are using this platform create and disseminate their brand.
In doing this, however, brand expert Jody Ordioni says there are things you want to avoid as well, things that will blunt or distort your message.
One thing to avoid is portraying your company as something it is not, trying to tell prospective job candidates what you think they want to hear. A key component of your brand is your company’s culture, vision and values. These are not things you can fudge or downplay. If, for example, you have a fairly traditional, hierarchically oriented company, you shouldn’t try and market your firm as a freewheeling, entrepreneurial organization. Job candidates will sooner or later find out your true company colors
But to be effective at branding, you also need to make your company stand out, to tell job hunters why it is unique, why they would want to work for you. Simply telling people that they can advance their careers with your firm, or that they can join a company that is growing, doesn’t really do enough to differentiate you from everyone else.
Another thing to be wary of is avoiding the dull, dry recitation of facts and figures. Giving the history of your company, along with figures about size, assets, sales, earnings and profits, is acceptable as far as it goes, but that is not nearly far enough. You need to tell a story, one that will connect emotionally with people.
What will make that connection is talking about how the company impacts the lives of people, how it makes a difference. Bringing people into the story can help make the connection as well. You can tell the stories of your employees and how they feel they are making a difference. You can talk about histories, accomplishments, awards, and volunteer work.
To sum up, you need to be truthful, set your company apart, and make connections to effectively brand your organization.
If your company is looking for top-flight professionals in the New York City area, Winston Resources can provide the talent you need in a variety of areas. Give us a call today.
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