Credit and Background Checks Disappearing


A recent report by the Society of Human Resource Management shows that companies are not doing the same number of credit and background checks today as they were two years ago. The Society polled almost 550 human resource professionals selected at random from among the membership. More than half of the companies reported that they… Read more »

Get Enough Sleep or Suffer the (Could-Be-Major) Consequences


Whether you are on the job or looking for work, there is something you are probably not getting enough of – sleep. In the past, many of us shortchanged ourselves on sleep, thinking it was no big deal. But as science has studied the nature of sleep, researchers have come to realize how necessary sleep… Read more »

Tips for Hosting Interns at Your Company


Many companies offer internships, a program often administered by a firm’s human resources department. For the company, the intern provides another person to help out, a fresh perspective and youthful energy. The intern gets valuable work experience. But there are good ways to run an internship and not so good ways. HR specialist Susan Heathfield… Read more »

Northeast Region Top Poster of Jobs to Social Media Sites


A new report by Bullhorn, Inc., a maker of recruiting software, shows that the Northeast region is the most active in using social media networks to recruit. And the Midwest is the least active. The report also showed that while there is a big variety in the industries that use social networks, the top three… Read more »

Focusing in the Face of Information Overload


Working in human resources, you are constantly bombarded with tasks and even more so with information. Like everyone in business, you are confronted with data all day long. And, as information technology has advanced, it has turned this stream of data into a deluge. When confronted with this ever growing river of information, our natural… Read more »

To Know What a Company Needs, Look at the Job Description


When you go for a job interview, you naturally want to be as well prepared as possible. You want to stand out from what is likely a crowded field of applicants. But being well prepared may not be what you think it is, according to one career advisor. In an effort to become as knowledgeable… Read more »

Using a Career Fair to Your Best Advantage


In the course of your job hunt, you are likely to attend one or more career fairs. They can be frustrating – waiting in line just for a few words with a recruiter, and giving him or her your resume. But they can also be an opportunity to learn about career opportunities and do some… Read more »

Compensation and Morale


As the economy continues to struggle worldwide, it is having an effect on how companies are looking at expenses. As they try to rein in costs, businesses are being stingy with compensation and benefits, especially given the fact that the unemployment rate is high. Pay is not going up, but healthcare premiums are. More companies… Read more »

Looking at the Right Data for Hiring


In making hiring decisions, companies look at a lot of data to try and predict who would be the most productive employees. The problem, according to business consultant Daniel Enthoven, is that they look at the wrong data, information that has little if any relevance or predictive capacity regarding jobs. Many companies, for example, look… Read more »

Hiring Looking Up for 2012 College Grads


If you’re graduating college this spring, consider yourself luckier than your counterparts of the last few years: a survey of businesses shows that most companies said they intended to hire more newly graduated college students this year than in recent years past. The annual survey by and found that 54 percent of business… Read more »