Before Starting Your Job Search….


You need to find work. Either you’re not currently employed or you’re unhappy at your current job. Before starting a search, ask yourself the following questions: Why are you looking for work? If you’re currently unemployed, you have your answer. But if you now have a job, why do you want to leave it? Do… Read more »

How to Get Out of Writing a Letter of Recommendation


Letters of recommendation are an integral part of any job application process. And you may have in the past been asked to write one. Usually, people are happy to oblige in helping someone whose work they admire to advance his career. But sometimes you get a request for a recommendation from someone whose work or… Read more »

Researching a Potential Employer


As you interview for a position, it’s critical that you’ve done your homework beforehand. The homework we mean is to study and learn as much as possible about the company and your hiring manager. Read below for some tips how to research an employer and why you must. First, your interviewer/hiring manager is expecting you… Read more »

If You’re New to the Job Market


If you are entering the job market for the first time, you are going to be confronted with a number of decisions that you have never faced before. There will be many things to consider. For example, suppose you get a job offer. Should you take it, regardless of whether the job suits you or… Read more »

Top 3 Reasons Why You Probably Didn’t Get the Job


Let’s say you’ve just interviewed for a position which, objectively, you are “perfect” for: You have all the required skills, plus some skills the employer prefers. You have the proper educational background. You’ve previous experience in doing most of the tasks associated with the position. You have great references. But you didn’t get the job…. Read more »

How to Hurt Your Career in 6 Easy Steps


Looking to hurt your career? It’s easier than you may think. Want some tips on how to do so? Read below for some tips (some will work more quickly than others, but they all work). Go ahead, post on Facebook or tweet on Twitter while at work. You think your boss doesn’t look at your… Read more »

Tips for Practicing for Your Job Interview


The headline above is not a mistake: We did say “practicing for your job interview.” In other words, never should you just “wing it” when it comes to a job interview. Instead, you should practice, rehearse, train, prepare, run through – whatever term you feel is best – for your job interview well ahead of… Read more »

6 Cover Letter Tips for Job Seekers Over 50


To paraphrase Mark Twain (when it was reported in the New York Journal that he’d died): “The report of the cover letter’s death are exaggerated.” In fact, a well-written cover letter can go a long way to helping a job seeker over 50 help an employer see how your career accomplishments, educational background and skills… Read more »

No, You Can’t Do It All


Working in human resources or management, it may often seem that there are not enough hours in a work day to get done all that you need to. And the demands on your time seem only to grow. How can you get everything done that you need to and still have a life? To try… Read more »



Companies are now moving to a new kind of volunteerism as part of their community relations programs, one that allows more flexibility for workers. It appears to be growing in popularity, and might be something for human resources departments to investigate. It is called microvolunteering, where employees use small increments of their free time to… Read more »