How to Recover From a Setback at Work


Experiencing a setback can be a challenging and discouraging experience, whether it is in your personal or professional life. However, it is important to remember that setbacks are a natural part of life, and it is how you respond to them that ultimately determines your success. Here are some strategies that can help you recover… Read more »

The Importance of Communication Skills for Any Job


Effective communication is a critical component of any successful career. Good communication skills are essential in all aspects of the workplace, from interacting with colleagues to negotiating with clients. Communication skills involve both verbal and nonverbal interactions, and both are equally important to communicate clearly and effectively. The importance of communication skills in the workplace… Read more »

Controlling Impulses


We are all looking for ways to develop the discipline we need to increase our productivity at work. All too often, we find ourselve distracted by our electronics and, instead of working, we wind up looking through email or surfing the Web. Recently, some researchers have been touting the benefits of impulse control as a… Read more »

Writing Winning E-Mail Messages


Since so much communication these days takes place by e-mail, there is a lot of advice out there on how to make your e-mail communication as effective as possible. What exactly do you need to know to make your email as effective as it can be? The advice on writing good emails can be boiled… Read more »

6 Tips for Acing the Phone Interview


More and more companies are weeding through likely job applicants via a phone interview. This helps hiring managers/recruiters cull through promising paper prospects in order to come up with a list of candidates to call in for a face-to-face interview. A phone interview basically is a screening interview. Read below for some tips on how… Read more »

Creating a Resume/Cover Letter to Relocate


Many people today want or need to pull up stakes and move across the region – or across the country – to look for work. Either there are no well-paying jobs for you in your area, you need to be closer to family or you just have wanderlust and want to see a different part… Read more »

4-Plus Tips for Interviewing for Cultural Fit


If you were to look in your hiring and firing logs (as well as your log for those employees who left on their own accord), you’d probably find that a good majority of workers left your company within just 12 months of being hired. What’s more, many of those who left – whether by your… Read more »

Before Starting Your Job Search….


You need to find work. Either you’re not currently employed or you’re unhappy at your current job. Before starting a search, ask yourself the following questions: Why are you looking for work? If you’re currently unemployed, you have your answer. But if you now have a job, why do you want to leave it? Do… Read more »

How to Get Out of Writing a Letter of Recommendation


Letters of recommendation are an integral part of any job application process. And you may have in the past been asked to write one. Usually, people are happy to oblige in helping someone whose work they admire to advance his career. But sometimes you get a request for a recommendation from someone whose work or… Read more »

Researching a Potential Employer


As you interview for a position, it’s critical that you’ve done your homework beforehand. The homework we mean is to study and learn as much as possible about the company and your hiring manager. Read below for some tips how to research an employer and why you must. First, your interviewer/hiring manager is expecting you… Read more »