What to Avoid in a Cover Letter


Traditionally, job applications have included resumes and cover letters. The resume is still expected when you apply for a job, but more recruiters are now questioning the need for a cover letter. In fact, a majority of recruiters responding to a recent survey said they did not believe a cover letter is an absolute necessity…. Read more »

How to Turn Down a Job Offer


Your letter turning down a job offer will vary depending on your reasons for declining. In all cases, however, you want the letter to be polite and professional. You don’t want to needlessly damage your reputation or burn your bridges with the company. You never know, at some point in the future, you may want… Read more »

The Best Way to Write an Email


People get a lot of email at work. When you send an email, it becomes one of many that clutter up a person’s inbox. But, naturally, you want your email to be seen and read, preferably in a timely manner. What can you do to make sure your email receives the attention it deserves? Setting… Read more »

The Calendar or To-Do List — Which is Better?


It is a conundrum that has baffled the best business minds since time immemorial, a dilemma of profound importance to business productivity – what is better to use, a to-do list, a calendar, or both? Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Is one better than the other? Would using them together give you the… Read more »

More Good Time Management Tips


Good time management is crucial for productivity. It involves planning, organizing, and working efficiently. It begins with goal setting and prioritizing your tasks. Here are a few more tips on how to make the most of your time. 1. Scheduling If some task or activity is important, it should be on your schedule, with a… Read more »

Using Endorsements on a Resume


As everyone knows, a resume is a place to showcase your knowledge and skills. But simply listing or describing your skills is not very persuasive. That is why career counselors recommend using examples of times you used your skills, or using facts and figures to support your claims. For the so-called technical or hard skills,… Read more »

How to Give a Good Presentation


Giving presentations is an important part of any job. You want your presentations to be effective, to capture the interest of your audience and give them information they can use or make arguments that will persuade. Here are a few ways to do just that. 1. Think about your audience Every good presentation begins with… Read more »

Short-Term Activities to Help Your Career


To progress in your career, you need to excel at your job, to do more than expected, to look beyond just your responsibilities, and to increase your exposure. These are all important, long-term efforts that are essential for career growth. But there are other things you can do as well to help move ahead in… Read more »

How to Quit Your Job


With the economy humming along and unemployment very low, the job market has never been better. As a result, many people are looking around to see what other opportunities are out there. If you are one of those people, and have accepted a job offer, the next step is to quit the job you have… Read more »

How to Start a New Job


Starting a new job is exciting but also stressful. You want to get off to a good start, to hit the ground running, and make a good impression, while also laying the foundation for a productive career. The first 90 days are especially important for getting yourself established in a new job. Here are a… Read more »