When you go for a job interview, you need to be prepared to answer many different sorts of questions. You are there to sell yourself, to tell the interviewer why you are the best person for the job. But an interview is more than that. While the interviewer is trying to figure out if you… Read more »
Posts Tagged: job listings in New York City
Getting the Day Off to a Good Start
Everybody is familiar with the saying, “Got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.” It generally means that you didn’t have a very good start to the day, and it is the reason you are having trouble later in the day as well. So, getting your day off to a good start… Read more »
Some Simple Ways to Help Your Memory
We’re all looking for ways to work better and work smarter. A better memory is something everyone would be happy to have. For some lucky people, a good memory just comes naturally. For many of us, however, we have to work at it. Here are a few ways you can improve your memory: 1. Focus… Read more »
How to Get Ahead — Performance, Image, Exposure
Business is supposed to be a meritocracy. The better you perform, the more rewards you receive, whether in the form of promotions or pay. And many businesses are like that because their leaders know that basing reward on performance is good for morale, productivity and the bottom line. But, as we all know, that is… Read more »
Making the Most of a Video Interview
Video interviews are becoming more common all the time. In the past, they might have been considered a bit exotic, but now they are definitely part of the mainstream. So, if you are looking for work, you might find yourself in a position where you have to do a video interview. If so, how can… Read more »
Restarting the Job Search
When the recession hit, many companies began shedding jobs, and the unemployment rate shot up. As a result, many people gave up any thought of searching for a new job because they were concerned about keeping the one they had. But now that the economy is improving, the unemployment rate is slowly beginning to decrease,… Read more »
Reevaluating the Cover Letter
During the job application process, the usual procedure for candidates is to submit a cover letter and resume to the company they want to work for. And, many still believe this to be a good idea. There are some career advisors, however, who are beginning to rethink the role of the cover letter, and are… Read more »
Hidden Pitfalls in the Job Search
It’s no secret that the job search process is arduous. It takes a lot of time and energy. So, it’s especially important to watch out for things that, routine for the most part, could sabotage your job search effort if not done right. These are things that are easily avoidable, yet they have tripped up… Read more »
The Rise of the Contingent Workforce
The sector of the job market experiencing the most rapid increase is temporary and part-time work. Nothing else comes close. The number of these workers now stands at 28 million, the most ever. Because of the tremendous growth in this area, some business experts are saying that the change is not just the result of… Read more »
Punching Up Productivity
For businesses, the bottom line is all about productivity, getting the most from their employees. Companies spend a lot of money trying to learn how to do this. And employees themselves are concerned about productivity because performance reviews, raises and promotions hang in the balance. There are a number of things that can interfere with… Read more »