How to Work Better at Home


As companies attempt to give their employees more flexibility at work, more employees than ever before are working from home. A recent survey put the number of at-home workers at about 10 percent of the workforce. The idea of working at home sounds inviting – no long commute, no boss looking over your shoulder, no… Read more »

Some Quick Mindfulness Exercises


Recently, the term mindfulness has become a buzzword in the business world. Mindfulness refers to activities like meditation, and it has generated interest because research has shown that it helps fight stress and improves concentration and cognitive abilities. Many people are taking up the practice of meditation, including CEOs, because of the benefits. But meditation… Read more »

Preparing at Work for a Vacation


So, you want to take a vacation, but the thought of doing it fills you with more anxiety than actually going to work. You know there will be phone calls from the office asking for directions. You know you will be sitting on the beach combing through emails, afraid you might be missing something, and… Read more »

Post Interview Regrets


You did everything right in preparing for your job interview. You researched the company thoroughly. You practiced your answers to interview questions with a friend, honing your answers to little gems of eloquence. You arrived a few minutes early, dressed professionally, and delivered a firm handshake with a smile. You went through the interview and… Read more »

How to Build Up Your Mental Strength


Many leadership experts stress the value of resilience or fortitude in achieving goals. Some talk about it in terms of mental strength, the ability to function, to control your thoughts and emotions in the face of adversity. People can acquire resilience through practice, some psychologists claim. They can do it by developing healthy habits and… Read more »

Developing Keystone Habits


We are all looking for ways to improve our lives, at work and at home. We are looking for things we can do to make our lives better and happier. We all know that changing habits is one way to change our life. But what habit should you work on first? If you are having… Read more »

How to Get Things Done


We never seem to have enough time. We have our work, things we need to get done at home, taking care of the kids, and various other tasks that need to be done. With all that we have to do, it seems that we can never catch up. We feel like we are running on… Read more »

Beliefs About Success


What is it that determines how people fare in life? It’s the great nature versus nurture debate that has continued for some time. For some, nature is the prime determinant of how people do in life. For the nature crowd, your abilities are pretty much set at birth. And it is these innate abilities that… Read more »

How to Organize for Efficiency


Companies and employees are always trying to increase their efficiency at work, and even at home. There are many strategies that have been put forth to help people increase their efficiency. But there is one simple way to increase efficiency that you may have overlooked. That is through better organization. Here are a few ways… Read more »

How to Handle Anxiety at Work


Everyone knows that work can produce a lot of anxiety. There are deadlines, too much work to get done in too little time, demanding bosses, uncooperative coworkers. Since anxiety is an ever present companion at work, it is a good idea to know things you can do to cope with it, because if you don’t,… Read more »