If you are a recent college graduate, you no doubt know that now is an exceptionally tough time to enter the job market. The unemployment rate is remaining stubbornly high at more than nine percent. That means there are a lot of unemployed people looking for work. So, even experienced workers are taking entry-level positions,… Read more »
Posts Tagged: job search help
The Art of Dressing for a Job Interview
When it comes to job interviews, there are plenty of things to think about, from the introduction, to your answers, to your enthusiasm. But in running through your job interview checklist, don’t forget about how you dress. It is one of the first impressions you will make walking through the door. If you are not… Read more »
Your First “Real” Job Search and Your Internet Presence
As employers increasingly use social media as part of their job screening process, job seekers are responding by changing their social networking sites to present a more professional image. A survey of recent college graduates looking for entry-level positions found that more than one-third of had changed or planned to change the information on their… Read more »
Wince-Free Networking
Networking has gotten a bad reputation in some circles because too many people think networking is about only getting a job. Which makes one feel a bit squeamish about the whole thing: “If I’m out of work, I feel like I’m more ‘begging’ than ‘networking.’ But networking, when done well, really is about establishing relationships…. Read more »
Interview Questions YOU Should be Asking the Interviewer
When interviewing for a job, you naturally are trying your best to impress a prospective employer, and much of your time has most likely been spent preparing for an interviewer’s questions. But it is important to remember that a job interview is a two-way street. You need to make sure that this is a place… Read more »
To Stay or To Go: Questions to Ask When Considering a New Opportunity
When considering a new job opportunity, there are obviously many things to look at. Salary may generally be uppermost in people’s minds when looking at a new job, but there are many other important factors to examine as well. These factors are all key to determining that all-important fit between job candidate and employer. 1)… Read more »
What is Temp-to-Hire and Why You Should Consider It
If your Winston Resources staffing consultant contacts you about a temp-to-hire position, this is good news. It means if you take the assignment and do well in it, the employer may decide to hire you onto its own payroll. A temp-to-hire assignment is really the best of both worlds. You can “try out” a company… Read more »