Ways to Improve Self-Discipline


Self-discipline is something we all prize – and wish we had more of. Like many of our mental states and attitudes, it is hard to determine exactly where it comes from and what we can do to cultivate it. But psychologists who study willpower say that there are things you can do to improve it…. Read more »

Common Traits of Successful People


What leads to success? Most people would probably come up with similar qualities that are necessary for success – determination, fortitude, courage, a willingness to keep learning. These are but a few of the more common ones. But research has also revealed that there are other traits that many successful people have in common, ones… Read more »

How Travel Can Help Your Career


Many people have traveled to foreign countries during their careers, either for business, education, or just pleasure. But either way, if you have traveled to foreign countries, it is an experience that you can put to good use on your resume. The skills and knowledge you pick up during your travels would be valuable to… Read more »

How to Research a Potential Employer


Let’s say you’ve had your eye on working for a certain NYC company for a long time. You’ve decided to apply for a position there. How can you become a standout candidate? Or, you’ve seen a position listed for an opportunity you think would be perfect for you. How can you help your candidacy? The… Read more »

Ask These Questions at Your Annual Review


It’s the annual review, often dreaded by many of us. There’s your boss telling you everything you’re not doing correctly – or so we believe. But an annual review actually should be a conversation between you and your supervisor. It should be a time to talk over your successes (and everyone has successes to discuss),… Read more »

What to do After the Job Interview


Your job interview has come to an end. What should your next step be? The first thing to do, immediately after the end of the interview, is to again express your interest in the job. Let the hiring manager know directly that you want the position. Make sure there is no room for doubt. Also… Read more »

Ginning Up Your Willpower


Willpower. It is a quality that we are all striving to get more of. Our busy lives demand a healthy amount of it. The good news is that, like our muscles, we can develop our willpower through exercising it. However, just like our muscles, we can over exert it as well. Research indicates that when… Read more »

Stay-at-Home Mom — How to get Back to Work


Many women drop out of the workforce to become mothers and raise a family. And when the children have grown, these mothers begin looking again to return to the workforce. But the evidence shows that for these women, it isn’t all that easy. Studies have shown that there is a built-in bias against hiring women… Read more »

Tips for Negotiating a Raise


When it comes to getting a raise, you don’t need to wait until your annual review to ask for one: the absolute best time to ask for a raise is when you’ve just accomplished something rather extraordinary. What’s extraordinary? Landing a big client. Revamping the AP process, saving the company lots of money because invoices… Read more »

The Art of Asking for References


When it comes to asking colleagues or former supervisors for job references, there’s more to just asking “Hey, can you give me a reference?” Read below for tips on how to ask for references to ensure that you’ll receive great ones. You will want to have a good mix of supervisors, colleagues and possibly even… Read more »