The importance of a vibrant corporate culture is unquestioned. It is commonly assumed that a strong corporate culture is beneficial to a company’s bottom line. In fact, studies have shown that companies with vigorous corporate cultures perform at least 20 percent better than similar ones without such cultures.
But opinions vary as to what exactly makes up a corporate culture, or what should make an effective corporate culture. There are many different things that go into it, and each company is unique in that respect. But business analyst John Coleman says that there are six things that are common to all compelling cultures.
The first is vision, otherwise known as a company’s mission. This is what gives a company its purpose. It is a simple, but bedrock statement that details the purpose for why the company exists. As such, it can help orient employees in everything they do, as well as communicating to customers what the company is all about. One example Coleman gives of a powerful mission statement is that of the non-profit Oxfam, which is “ a just world without poverty.”
Another key element of every compelling corporate culture is values. Values are basic components of every mission. Values provide the guide for how employees should act, what they should do, in order to achieve the company’s vision. They don’t necessarily need to be original, as long as they are truly a meaningful part of a company’s mission.
Values in turn guide the next important component of every robust culture – practices. Values are the beliefs you hold to be important, but those beliefs need to be put into action through the practices of workers. If, for example, a company, as part of its culture, says that it values its people, it needs to show that in its everyday operations through is policies and practices.
Another key asset of a good corporate culture is people. People who believe in the message and values of the company are vital if the corporate culture is to take hold and thrive. That is why when many firms hire, they examine an employee’s character and beliefs, whether he or she will fit with the company’s values, just as much as the person’s skills and experience.
Another important element of culture is a history. It is telling a story about the origin and path that the company has taken. This, again, helps to establish the identity of a company, what it values, and what it is all about.
And finally, bricks and mortar play an important role in culture because the physical layout affects employee behavior as well. That is why some companies provide larger communal areas for their workers, so that they can mingle and share ideas.
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