The recession is showing definite signs of abating. Companies will be hiring new employees (although probably slowly in the beginning) and will be looking for current employees to step up and help the business grow and thrive.
Do you have what it takes to become a leader in your organization? Here are some ideas to help you position yourself to do just that:
Leaders know how to make good decisions. They make them when things are going well and they make them under considerable pressure, especially when all the facts about a situation aren’t available (a calculated guess). They sometimes need to make unpopular decisions and they need to own up to the consequences of a decision that turns out poorly. Still, leaders don’t dwell on the bad mistakes; they learn from them and move on. If you believe you lack good decision making skills, learn them.
Leaders motivate others, and they usually do so by example rather than by “force.” Leaders have a vision about what a company can do and they have a plan and goals to reach that will get them there.
Leaders speak clearly. That is, they communicate their vision and their goals in a way that easy for others to understand. You should take public speaking courses or participate in Toastmaster groups to build your speaking skills.
Leaders take risks. If you always avoid taking a risk, or steer clear of rocking the boat, you may not have what it takes to lead others.
Leaders are trustworthy. People will follow those whom they believe to be honorable and dependable. Take a close look at your motives and actions. Do you do as you say you will do, or are you all talk and no action?
Be the leader of your career and contact Winston Resources. We are one of New York City’s premier staffing services and we can help you land great temporary, temp-to-hire and direct-hire assignments with some of the best companies in the NYC area. We look forward to hearing from you!
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