How to Deal with Procrastination


At one time or another, we’ve all suffered from procrastination. For some, however, it can become a habit, affecting their performance at work. If you procrastinate too much, you may feel like you’re always behind in your work, cause frustration for those who are relying on you, feel overwhelmed or inadequate about meeting deadlines. Here… Read more »

Traits Shared by the Best Teams


Today’s companies, which focus on collaboration and cooperation among people working in teams, are considered marvels of organization. By working in teams, people are able to develop ideas and accomplish tasks that no one person could do alone. But what makes a great team? Research is showing that there are three factors that come together… Read more »

Reassessing Meetings After the Pandemic


During the pandemic, virtual meetings became the norm. Zoom became a household name. And now that things are improving, companies are looking at workplace arrangements in general and assessing how to bring people back to work and bring them together, what changes to make and how to do it safely. As part of this effort,… Read more »

What to Do If You Make a Mistake at Work


Mistakes happen. At some time or other, being human, we may commit a blunder. The question is how to respond after it occurs. Here are some tips. 1. Determine the severity of the mistake Try to figure out what the impact of your mistake is going to be, the consequences, both direct and indirect. This… Read more »

How to Make Better Use of Your Time at Work


It always seems as if we never have enough time to do the things we need to get done. But there is a way to get more out of our time. We can’t add more hours to the day, but we can make better use of the time that we do have. One way to… Read more »

Developing Business Leaders


Companies spend huge amounts of money each year to train their managers into becoming great leaders by essentially trying to mold their personality. This despite the fact that once a person reaches the age of 30, their personality and their values really change very little. But the fact is that some leaders do actually get… Read more »

How to Build Trust as a Leader


There has been much commentary about leadership published over the years and what makes a good leader. Now there is research, conducted over a number of years, that points to four qualities that enable someone to establish their credibility as a leader. They are honesty, respect, competence, and accountability. Building credibility as a leader does… Read more »

How to Get the Most From Your Time


Time is at a premium, now more than ever. Companies are asking their workers to do more with less, and that includes time. We never seem to have enough time to do everything. Part of the problem is that we are falling victim to time sinks, where we are not using our time as efficiently… Read more »

How to Develop a Well Ordered Job Search


Job searches are a lot of work. There is a lot to keep track of and to prepare for. That is why, if you are to be successful, it is absolutely necessary to be well organized. You will have enough on your plate without having to worry about where things are at or remembering a… Read more »

Improving Thinking and Focus at Work


Organizational experts tell us that taking breaks during the workday is a good idea. They help us to recharge our batteries, giving us more energy and making us more productive. But beyond that, some psychologists also contend that we can make use of this so-called free time to free our thinking as well, giving our… Read more »