In these lean times, many people wear many hats at work. The HR generalist serves as a recruiter. The media relations manager serves as the internal communication specialist. The bookkeeper does double duty as the payroll specialist.
Even in lean times, perhaps especially in lean times, it may be fiscally wise to outsource some of these functions so that your employees can do the things at which they excel and someone else can do the things at which…your employees don’t.
Payrolling services is a great example. Processing payroll is a critical, yet time-consuming and complicated job. If your bookkeeper or other accounting colleagues aren’t experts, mistakes can be made, causing you and your employees much consternation.
Instead, why not outsource your payroll function? Naturally, we are biased (Winston Resources offers our clients payroll services). But the cost actually can be about half of what it is when you do it in-house.
Convenience also is a wonderful reason to outsource your payroll needs. All you have to do is call your service, let it know the hours, deductions and salaries of your employees and you’re done. In fact, many services allow you to update employee information via a page on their website.
As your overworked bookkeeper/payroll manager will tell you, there are literally dozens of state and federal regulations with which you must comply. It’s difficult to keep up with all the changes in these payroll obligations; outsourcing your payroll process can save you from making mistakes — and therefore save you legal fees. A payroll outsource company lives and breathes state and federal regulations. Why not let an expert handle the delicate ins and outs?
In addition, payroll companies often handle your company’s retirement plans as well as direct deposits for employees. The payrolling service will deduct the proper amounts (both pre- and post-tax) from each employee’s paycheck and send them to the proper financial institutions.
If you’re a New York City area business and you need help with your payroll function, contact Winston Resources. We offer outsourced payrolling services via our Win-Pay payroll division. We look forward to hearing from you.
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