
The importance of networking is now well established. To find the job you want, you need to talk to people, both those you know and those you don’t. They are valuable sources of information. But some ways of networking are better than others. Here are some tips on how to do it effectively.

Begin with a little planning.

You don’t want to just haphazardly call people. You should first consider what your employment goals are. What type of job do you want? Where do you want to work? This will help to give your networking some direction.

After establishing your goals, you need to think about whom you are going to contact. Who should you call first, second, third, and so on? Think about who can be the most help to you. Think about how you will approach the person, what you will say to them, and what you want to get from the conversation.

A good idea is to start with people you already know. This will help you to build confidence and perfect your presentation. It can be a good way to practice. Plus, they can give you names of people to contact.

No idea whom to call? What about former colleagues? Think about places where you have worked and the people you met there. What about former classmates? What about people you have met through professional organizations or through professional development programs?

If there are particular places where you want to work, you may want to talk to the pharmacists who are employed there. Get their names, see if you can learn a little about their background, and give them a call. In every conversation, ask the person whom they would recommend contacting.

Take advantage of social networking sites.

This is a good way to contact people. On places liked LinkedIn and Facebook, there are discussion groups related to particular careers, and by joining them, you can make new contacts.


This is also a good way to meet people and develop professional contacts. Plus, you are working in a more informal, relaxed atmosphere where it might be easier to get to know people.

Do your research.

Before you call someone, particularly someone you don’t know, it is always a good idea to find out a little about the person. The best way to network is to give as well as get. In other words, you should be able to offer something as well, so the person doesn’t feel as if he is simply being used. If, for example, you know the person’s professional interests, you might be able to recommend an article.

Looking for a great job?

If you are looking for work in the New York, New Jersey or Connecticut area, Winston Resources is the place to go. Winston is a top NYC employment agency with the experience and expertise to find the right job for you. Contact Winston today or search for your next great job now.

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