
Conflict in the workplace can arise for a number of different reasons, including personality clashes, competing priorities, and misunderstandings. It is important to address conflicts as soon as they arise in order to prevent them from escalating and poisoning the work environment. Here are some steps you can take to deal with conflict in the… Read more »


Procrastination is a problem that afflicts many of us. People do it for different reasons. Some even believe that they produce better work by procrastinating, that the increased pressure and stress enhances their creativity and energy. But this is not true at all, and studies have shown that procrastinating actually reduces the quality of work…. Read more »


Emails are a primary means of communication in both personal and professional life. We often use emails to dash off a quick note – a word of thanks, a question, or just to say hello – and for these messages, there is no need to follow any writing guidelines. But for many other emails that… Read more »


Giving presentations is an integral part of many jobs. One of the most popular ways of doing this is by using PowerPoint. But there are certain guidelines you should follow to make your presentation as effective as possible. Here are a few. The audience First thing to do is think about your audience, because this… Read more »


You recently interviewed at a company that you really want to work for. You thought the interview went reasonably well, but they have just notified you that they are hiring someone else for the position. What now? Here are a few tips. 1. Try to be stoical about it. Being rejected is certainly a blow… Read more »


No one looks forward to performance reviews. Many see them as just a waste of time. They don’t believe that the reviews accomplish very much, with evaluations that are often vague and general and not much use to the employee. But performance reviews don’t have to be this way. They can actually be a great… Read more »


To-do lists are a common time management tool among many workers today. It’s a very basic tool for a simple purpose, but there are some easy tweaks you can make to your lists to make this tool more useful and effective in boosting productivity. Here are some of them. 1.Make multiple lists This will enable… Read more »


We all want to be as productive as possible. To do this, we generally focus on our time at work and how we can better manage our time, get more organized, prioritize tasks and plan assignments to get as much done as possible. All this is well and good, but to be as productive as… Read more »


Burnout is a feeling of exhaustion, of being overwhelmed, of having a lack of energy, and a lack of motivation. Most people attribute the cause simply to overwork, having too much to do and not enough time to do it. But psychologists who study the phenomenon of burnout say that there is a lot more… Read more »


Many of us are not well equipped to deal with failure in our jobs. And a lot of that has to do with our mindset, how we look at ourselves and our place in the world. Minor setbacks we have no problem with because they cannot harm what truly matters. And what matters is our… Read more »