
You recently interviewed at a company that you really want to work for. You thought the interview went reasonably well, but they have just notified you that they are hiring someone else for the position.

What now? Here are a few tips.

1. Try to be stoical about it.
Being rejected is certainly a blow to the ego, but you cannot take it as a statement on you as a person. There may be any number of reasons why you were not chosen, some that have nothing to do with you. You need to adopt a stoical attitude toward the rejection – to realize that you cannot control anything external to you. What you do have control over is yourself, and that is where you need to focus your efforts.

You need to remember that job searches can be difficult, and that rejection is part of the process. What you need to focus on is building the resilience to handle and overcome setbacks and continue moving forward. How you handle failure will ultimately determine if you are successful.
Give yourself a little time to lick your wounds, then put it behind you and get back to work.

2. Assess your efforts
You also need to do a post mortem on your performance, to review how you did so that you can make improvements in the future. Think about your preparation and if it was adequate or if there was anything you could have done better or differently. Were you prepared enough for the questions? Think about your body language and whether it was appropriate.

Was there anything you could have done better or differently in the way you presented your skills and accomplishments?

3. Getting feedback
This is a judgment call that you need to consider a bit because contacting the company after being rejected for a job could create a bit of sticky situation. The hiring manager may be wary of interacting with you, fearing some ulterior motive.

But if you think contacting him or her would be worthwhile, it is a way to get more information. Let the person know that you are interested only in how you performed and if he or she has any suggestions for improvement. Reiterate your interest in working at the company if any other similar positions become available.

If you are looking for employment, Winston Resources has the experience and the expertise to help you find a job that fits your skills and experience. We are one of the leading staffing firms in the New York City area. Give us a call today.

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