
It’s one of the most common job interview questions, and how you answer it could mean the difference between getting the job or not. The question is: “How do you handle failure?” It’s an important question because we all have experienced failure in our lives; it is universal. And how we handle it says a lot about our character, our resolve, our intelligence, our savvy, our resilience. So, how should you answer this question during an interview? Here are a few ideas of how to talk about failure during an interview.

1. Show you can admit it
It takes a certain amount of self-awareness and courage to admit when you have failed. Acknowledging it is the first step in dealing with it. Many people simply deny it and refuse to recognize it, or they try and pass it off on to someone else.

Acknowledging failure shows accountability and maturity. Use an example from your previous work experience to illustrate.

2. Show you can accept it
Accepting it means you are taking responsibility for it, and that you are taking whatever steps you can to handle the fallout, taking whatever corrective measures you can.

3. Show you can learn from it
This is one of the most important aspects of handling failure. You need to emphasize to the interviewer what you have learned from the experience. You can explain to the person why you believe something did not work out, and what changes you would make in the future to prevent the same thing from happening again.

This shows that you are not trying to run from your failure, but that you are using it as a learning experience, as something that will contribute to your growth and development.

Think about your previous jobs and choose an example of a time when you failed at something. Then explain what you would do differently now to avoid this kind of failure.

4. Show you can move on from it
Explain to the interviewer how you have moved past the failure, how you have not let it influence your attitude or drive. Many people have trouble moving past their failures. But the inability to put it behind you shows a lack of resilience and toughness.

If you are looking for work, Winston Resources is here to help you. We know the job market, we know the employers, we know what they are looking for, and we can get you ready. Give us a call today.

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