
Today, many companies have programs where their employees do volunteer work while still on the company clock. It is a relatively inexpensive way for businesses to enhance the work environment for employees and to improve employee morale. It can improve the company bottom line in several ways:

1. Attracting talented people.

A recent survey found that almost nine in ten Millennials prefer working at companies that have volunteer programs and demonstrate a desire to be good corporate citizens.

Such volunteer programs, whether in the form of time off for volunteer work, or company-wide volunteer programs, show both current and prospective employees that the company values their professional growth and development. It tells the employees that the company takes an interest in them as people, not just as cogs in a machine.

As mentioned, it not only helps companies attract outstanding employees – especially younger workers – buts helps in retaining them.

Moreover, how employees respond to such programs can give an indication of their commitment and engagement to their work. Those eager to volunteer their time and abilities are those to keep an eye on for promotion as well.

2. Bringing people together.

Today, there is a focus on attracting a diverse workforce because of what it can bring to a company. But it may also lead to a workforce with little in common beyond the actual job.

Sponsoring company-wide volunteer activities gives people an opportunity to work together in a more relaxed and comfortable atmosphere, giving them an opportunity to create relationships and find out more about each other. They learn to work together.

Overall, company volunteer programs are strong positives for most organizations. However, a note of caution – they cannot fix pre-existing structural or organizational problems. If there is low morale or high turnover because of management problems, a volunteer program won’t do anything to solve this problem. Other management problems need to be handled directly. If anything, a volunteer program may actually exacerbate whatever dysfunction already exists because it will carry over.

So, volunteer programs can help bring people together, to create some commonality of purpose, but only if the conditions are favorable to begin with.

If your company is located in New York City, and you are looking for competent workers, contact Winston Resources, one of the top staffing agencies in the city. We can help you find workers in a variety of areas. Contact us today.

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