
It’s summer! That may mean more people than usual will be going on vacation in the next few months. Summer can also mean that many employees take long weekends as well. How do you make sure that work still gets done well and at an optimal pace? Plan proactively for temporary staffing in the summer. Don’t… Read more »


You have been asked to write a letter of recommendation for someone you know, maybe someone who is an employee, or a colleague, or an acquaintance. Whatever the case, you are now confronted with putting together something cogent and compelling about the person on paper. Now, you could write the letter yourself, which would require… Read more »


All employers would like to have a happy and productive workforce. Businesses want people who are performing at their best and are happy in their jobs. These are people who make a company grow, people who stay with a company. Here are 8 steps to keep workers happy and productive: Proper onboarding Companies should not… Read more »


Employers use different types of interviews to evaluate job candidates. There is the screening interview to determine if a person is a viable candidate. There is the stress interview, which simulates stressful situations to see how the candidate responds. There is the behavioral interview, where the candidate need to show how he or she will… Read more »


A recent survey shows that the most important recruiting tool for companies is their career website. It is the most valuable resource for job candidates when they are looking at companies, more important than Facebook, Twitter, or any other marketing channels. Almost two-thirds of the job candidates contacted in the survey included it among their… Read more »


Many younger employees are encouraged to find mentors where they work. And many companies in NYC, New Jersey and Connecticut encourage mentorship programs. Everyone generally agrees that mentorships can be valuable programs for both mentor and mentee. Often, however, because there are really no guidelines on how or what a mentor should do to help… Read more »


Do you have gaps in your work history? Don’t fret. You are not alone. Gaps are more common these days as businesses attempt to deal with a rapidly changing and unpredictable NYC economy. The last recession is an example. Many people lost their jobs as companies began downsizing and re-calibrating their workforce needs. However, attitudes… Read more »


If you want to be more productive and less stressed, you should be as organized as possible. The more organized you are, the more you will be able to do. Here are some tips on how to get better organized in a fast paced NYC. Keep it simple. Organized people usually have some method they… Read more »


People spend a lot of time at work–especially when working in the New York City area! So, the work environment plays a big role in employees’ mental health, which in turn plays a big role in the performance of the entire organization. But even though the well being of employees is important for the health… Read more »